Huhtala Family: August 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007


Have to share this video cuz it's too cute. It is of Bella playing pretend with our train track. Hang through till the end when she says "Howdy!" I love how she wipes her hands with some random washcloth at the very end. She looks like she's bartending :) (Not that I frequent bars, but ummm.....well just watch)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

My Cranium

I've tried to be a good baby. I hardly ever complain, however.....

Apparently my Family and Doctors think my head is funny shaped and won't fix itself without some help.

They are going to try and fix it with one of these numbers (disclaimer: I have no idea who this character is)

So after much thought....I've agreed to cooperate.

Here's me wearing a cool sock before I got my head laser measured.

I mean, I'll humor them but who wouldn't love this head??!!

It's going to be FABULOUS!!

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